If you're here in search
of my Half-Life 2 humor comic, "Concerned: The Half-Life and Death
of Gordon Frohman", please click
If you're here for this
site, well, hello. It's obviously back online at last. The
Field Guide is back up, more of the Features have been restored, like
Temp Chat and the Memo Gallery, so we're back to almost 100%.
I haven't decided if I'm
going to put some sort of blog or journal up yet. I may. I
may not. We'll see.
In the meantime, enjoy
reading all the stuff I wrote, like, 46 years ago. And thanks for your

I've just launched my new
Half-Life 2 web comic. It's called "Concerned: The Half-Life
and Death of Gordon Frohman", and can be viewed
I'll be updating it every
Monday and Friday. Those who are not familiar with the game
probably won't find it especially funny (frankly, those intimately
familiar with the game may also not find it especially funny), but it is
my current passion and I think you should accept it into your heart.
I'm aware the field guide
and a lot of the features are still not up. I'll be devoting some
time to rectifying this over the coming weekend.

New pop-culture essay up,
titled "A Few Bad Kids". Click
here to read it.

What's new? Well,
this website, for one. Yes, I have joined the elite group of
absolutely everyone on the planet and gotten my own website.
Despite the fact that I have no web-publishing skills to speak of, after
only three days of constant toiling I have managed to publish a number
of blank pages.
These pages are
lovingly rendered with nothing, the graphics, of which there are none,
are not present. The text, after much debate, has been presented
in the delicately ornate Junior Helvetia Brush Script Minor font, sized
for optimum readability, tested against several backgrounds, then
omitted completely. Speaking of backgrounds, initial focus groups
voted unanimously that they did not actually exist, but if they did,
they would certainly prefer a plain white background.
Hopefully there will be
some more content within the next seven or eight months, so stay tuned!
I wrote those words
exactly five years ago, and in a lot of ways, they still ring true
today. I still have no web-publishing skills, there are many
missing pages, links don't work, graphics are absent, and promises of
new content still spill from my keyboard with alarming regularity yet
little chance of ever being realized.
Thank God fame hasn't
changed me.
Thanks so much to everyone
for continuing to visit this site after all this time. Thanks for
the e-mail, thanks for the donations, thanks for the message board
postings, thanks for the fan art. Thanks for the suggestions, the
criticisms, the chidings, the complaints, the compliments, the
questions, and yes, even the completely incoherent babblings.
Thanks for being a
reader. Thanks for making me feel like a writer.
Okay! See you in
March, 2010!

Okay, although I just said
I wasn't going to announce every time I added something to the site, I
feel the need to announce this: I added the archives. The
reason I'm announcing this is because since most of the site still isn't
up, and since the location of a lot of the stuff that is up has been
changed, there is going to be a quantum buttload of links in the
archives that don't work.
Before the helpful e-mails
start pouring in, alerting me to the locations of the broken links, I'd
like to encourage everyone to hold off on the pouring of the e-mail
helpfulness. Gimme a week or two to get the links sorted out
before writing in; after that, lemme have it.

Rather than announce every
tidbit I add to the site during this rebuilding process, I'm just going
to post this link to a change log.

The "Essays"
link is now active. Eventually, every essay I've written for this
site will be linked on the same page, by category, but as of right now I
just have the temping ones done. Enjoy the nostalgia, and if
anyone can figure out why I called that one essay "Go Fish",
please let me know, because I just re-read it and I'm baffled.

Dear Patient Website
Dawn slams up on the
all-new*, all-improved** Not My Desk!
Now, not many of the links
are actually linking to anything at the moment. I'm not entirely
done redesigning the main page yet, and until I'm done with that, I'm
not going to start altering the rest of the site, since the rest of the
site design will pretty much feed off this here page.
Basically, I wanted you
all to look at it and let me know if you have any problems with
it. By "problems" I mean "technical
problems". I'm sure many of you might not like the colors or
little graphics or whatever, and while you should feel free to let me
know, it might not result in any changes. I long ago discovered
that every color scheme known to man will offend someone.
Different browsers and monitors will make the site look slightly
different to everyone, so what appears to me to be a pleasing shade of
gray might look pitch black to one guy and bright white to someone else.
What I really need to know
is if this page is technically screwed up at all. I've looked at
it in IE 6, Netscape 7, and Firefox, and everything seems to be lining
up and looking okay, but if there is any weirdness from other browsers,
please let me know and I'll see if I can fix it. There's also a
little Javascript in the linkbar across the top, and I have very little
experience with Javascript, so there may be problems there.
On another note, it's
amazing how I can work for a long time on something, like the design of
this page, and exactly at the moment of completion, decide I absolutely
hate it. So I may be making some changes anyway in the next couple
weeks based on my own tormented thoughts.
For instance, looking at
my crudely drawn little temp character, I realize that the cigarette
butt poking out of his mouth actually sort of looks like a tongue.
Which it isn't. It's a cigarette butt. Plus I never liked
how his hair came out, and it would be nice if he had arms from time to
time (at least when he's typing). So, I'm sort of thinking of
redrawing him, which means doing all those little sidebar panels over
again (they were a pain).
Any thoughts about this
stuff can be e-mailed or message
boarded or commented-about on the journal.
I'll be getting the
archives back up and arranging the different sections over the next
couple weeks, and then I'll actually start producing new content when
that's done. (I made this the other day.)
*nothing here is actually
**or improved. In fact, very little is here at all.