Say, if
you enjoy this site, and if you've
got a couple bucks that you just don't know what to do with, I have
arranged some simple ways for you to send them to me! I'm nothing
if not considerate!
any donations you make will be highly appreciated and put to excellent
use, and if you can't spare any, no worries! The site is not in
jeopardy in any way whatsoever. This page is mainly a tip jar.
And in case you're wondering
where your hard earned dollars are going (and you can't be too careful with
donations these days), here is a list of probable items and services your
donations will make possible!
- $1 - a bus
- $2 - a large coffee
- $3 - a tasty sammich
- $4 - a pack of smokes
- $5 - a book (used)
- $6 - honey barbeque wings
meal WITH a soft drink
- $7 - 2 movie rentals (VHS -
probably porn or foreign art film (which is porn))
- $8 - an actual current
release movie! At a theater, even!
- $9 - a cheap haircut that
will look slightly better than a pasty bald head
- $10 - a year's subscription
to audio feed, which only drops out 14 times per game due to
- $20 - 3
months of cell phone service (Dial-A-Ricci calls not included)
- $25 - a new staple-free tie
- $35 - one month of free
- $50 - 5 decent lapdances or
one really good lapdance
- $75 - a bunch of stuff I'd
really like
- $100 - most of a
bottom-of-the-line DVD player
- $50 thousand - a year of no
- $20 million - a trip to
International Space Station (and just think of the essay THAT would produce,
here are two easy ways to send me some scratch, if you are so
inclined. Thank you so much!