January 14, 2002 - WHAT THE HELL IS THE DEAL? Okay! So! There have been some changes! Welcome to Not My Desk Version 2.0! Um... Beta! Okay, first things first. By no means is the the overhaul done: 1) I'm not entirely sure if I like the new layout better. Actually, allow me to rephrase. I'm not sure I hate this layout less than I hated the old layout. Well, really, I didn't so much hate the old journal format as I was simply bored with it. I wanted something a little friendlier, a little more colorful, a little, well, different. So, this is it! For now! Rest assured, I'll be tweaking it for a while. And I'll also be working on the website a lot. (See! A masturbation joke! It's still the same old NMD!) 2) The colors aren't really final. I like the green, the blue is a bit, I dunno, weak, and whatever the third color is... tan? Well, we'll see. 3) The illustrations are most certainly not final. In fact, they're just free clip-art I snapped up (shocker!). A while ago, I spoke to someone about possibly creating some original illustrations for the site, but I never received any of the artwork, perhaps because I was so vague on what sort of artwork I wanted that I never actually asked her for some artwork. In fact, I'm still fairly vague about what kind of art I want. 4) I realized at about 9pm on Sunday night that I didn't have a spot on the main page for recent entries, which is, um... a bit of a problem. So, I'll hopefully have that sorted out as soon as I have some recent entries. 5) I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to archive things. Anyway, If you think this is the most hideous thing you've ever seen, well, you should take a look at a few earlier tries. In fact, I'll go ahead and show you, just because they might make the current temporary design look a little better. Just look at this, this, and this! And, there was the ill-fated attempt at making the main page look like a comic book, which went nowhere faster than the Flash on a triple Espresso binge. So, as you can see, updates will no longer be featured on the main page, but will be linked through "The Lastest" graphic and link. Mainly, I think new updates will be of the "Temp Journal" ilk or the "My Desk" variety, the Temp Journal being about temping and everyday goings on, and the My Desk being more traditional humor articles, which I hope to be writing more of. Things that are sort of new: A section for Temp Chat, which is the closest thing I have to an actual feature these days. Also, a Link to NMD page, which just is a new page with old buttons and banners on it. And, my Terms of Service page, which is an old TOS I wrote a while back, just on its own page now. Also, I scoured the archives and pulled out some stuff to beef up the My Desk section a bit. Actually new things: 1) My FAQ. 2) My Meet the Staff page. 3) The NMD Store, where you can buy overpriced yet highly original merchandise such as shirts, hats, and mugs! Can buy? WILL buy! Well. Can buy. 4) A Mail page, which isn't set up yet. But it's there! All of this stuff is linked on the main page as well. And, like I said, this isn't quite all worked out yet, so there may be little problems here and there, like links that don't work or that go to the wrong place or that make your computer explode or your hair fall out or whatever. And Lord only knows what this all looks like in lower versions of Netscape. Okay, enough of this explaining things crap. Hope you like the new design! Let me know what you think by mailing me at temp@notmydesk.com. And c'mon back tomorrow for some actual writing! 'Kay? this page is: http://www.notmydesk.com/dahell.html |