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November 6, 2001 - Temp Chat 4!  D-FENS!

Once again, I infiltrated an IRC channel to find temps.  Once again, I found not a single temp, but at least I found someone willing to talk about them.  Of course, once he started talking about temps, he wouldn't shut up.  Worse than that, he was talkin' trash, which got my dander up.

Here's a partial transcript of me going undercover in one of the highly entertaining vampire chat rooms.

*** Now talking in #vampyrenexus
* Cyber^Wolf nods her head and welcomes you to the Nexus :)
* DarkyeTemp greets the channel with a cold, flinty stare... daring all to meet his gaze
<Damine_Watters> relax dt
<Damine_Watters> have fun
<DarkyeTemp> Oh, okay!
<DarkyeTemp> I thought this was one of "those" channels
<DarkyeTemp> You know. All the dorks pretending they're vampires and that vampires are real and all that silly crap
<DarkyeTemp> ha ha
<DarkyeTemp> So, any temps in here?
<Damine_Watters> temps?
<Damine_Watters> was you mean by that
<DarkyeTemp> oh, not again.
<DarkyeTemp> um, like, temporary employees? y'know?
<Zarendangar> nah we all have real jobs
* Damine_Watters nods
<DarkyeTemp> ah... so, temping isn't a "real" job?
<DarkyeTemp> that's funny. because I could have sworn I got a real paycheck and everything. Albeit a small one...
<DarklonX> I have a real job and a real paycheck
<Damine_Watters> as do i
<DarkyeTemp> Do any of you work with temps?
<DarklonX> nope I work at a home family business
<Zarendangar> no actually beign a temp gives companies the right to screw its full time imployees .. by hiring underpaid workers to do substandard work
<DarkyeTemp> Huh, really?
<DarkyeTemp> Well, if it's substandard work, wouldn't you say the company is screwing itself?
<DarkyeTemp> And anyway, how can you blame the temps? They're just trying to make a living. Maybe if the full time employees were a little more valuable, they wouldn't be replaced so easily
<Zarendangar> wll amybe if there were no temps it would cause companies to hire fulltime employees
<DarkyeTemp> So, temps should just, like, not exist?  They're just using temping to find full-time work. Many of them are hired full time.
<Zarendangar> and this causes temp companies to ahve contracts wth these companies who will not hire fulltime workers to do the job
<Zarendangar> companies are not concerned with quality just quantity
<DarkyeTemp> kinda like you with your typing.
<DarkyeTemp> Well, it's hardly the temps fault, is all I'm saying.
<Zarendangar> so that the company can get uot of payig proper wages for the same work temps do as fulltime employees do
<DarkyeTemp> You're blaming the prostitutes for causing the husband to cheat on his wife
<Zarendangar> if the temptation was not there they would not cheat
<DarkyeTemp> Pff.  So, like, if someone is raped, it's their fault for causing the temptation? That's a sick attitude.
<Zarendangar> I think being raped and working in a tempory job are different things
<DarkyeTemp> You've never temped, I see.
<Zarendangar> yes I did
<DarkyeTemp> Yeah. That was a joke.
<Zarendangar> and the only person making money is the company and the temp agency
<Damine_Watters> i will not have a temp job
<Damine_Watters> i hear bad things about them so my dad advised me to get something permenet
<DarkyeTemp> Nah, if you get something permanent, you'll only get screwed by the damn temps!
<Zarendangar> I was working 60 hours a week at minimum wage while the temp compnay got $10 an hour for me being ther and the company was only interested in getting work done ..
<DarkyeTemp> The company was interested in getting work done.  Shocking.
<Damine_Watters> and i did
<Zarendangar> and as for benifits ... were none
<Zarendangar> temping only makes slaves of ppl
<DarkyeTemp> Well, temps are bad, so they deserve it, right?
* Damine_Watters nods
<Zarendangar> until temping stops and companies refuse to hire qualified ppl .... then good ppl have to demean there selfs to support there families
<DarkyeTemp> ATTICA
<Zarendangar> were I am from the temps contact out to companies about 20 employees a shit with the promise you might get hired full time
<Zarendangar> but there is always a reason they don't
<DarkyeTemp> I've been offered a lot of full time jobs
<Zarendangar> and when ppl retire
<Zarendangar> more tepms are hired to replace the retired personal
<DarkyeTemp> stop now.  I'm sorry I said anything.
<Zarendangar> is why I started my own company ;)
<Zarendangar> well night all
<DarkyeTemp> You ought to hire a temp to help with your keyboarding, Typo McSpellwrong.
<DarkyeTemp> Well, you've changed my point of view.  I will get the last laugh though. I will do poor work and steal Post-It Notes.
<DarkyeTemp> From now on, I'm fighting the system from the inside.


More Temp Chat!

Chat 1 / Chat 2 / Chat 3 / Chat 4 / Chat 5 / Chat 6 / Chat 7 / Chat 8

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