- *** Now talking in
- * Cyber^Wolf nods her head
and welcomes you to the Nexus :)
- * DarkyeTemp greets the
channel with a cold, flinty stare... daring all to meet his gaze
- <Damine_Watters>
relax dt
- <Damine_Watters>
have fun
- <DarkyeTemp> Oh,
- <DarkyeTemp> I
thought this was one of "those" channels
- <DarkyeTemp> You
know. All the dorks pretending they're vampires and that vampires
are real and all that silly crap
- <DarkyeTemp> ha
- <DarkyeTemp> So,
any temps in here?
- <Damine_Watters>
- <Damine_Watters>
was you mean by that
- <DarkyeTemp> oh,
not again.
- <DarkyeTemp> um,
like, temporary employees? y'know?
- <Zarendangar>
nah we all have real jobs
- * Damine_Watters nods
- <DarkyeTemp>
ah... so, temping isn't a "real" job?
- <DarkyeTemp>
that's funny. because I could have sworn I got a real paycheck and
everything. Albeit a small one...
- <DarklonX> I
have a real job and a real paycheck
- <Damine_Watters>
as do i
- <DarkyeTemp> Do
any of you work with temps?
- <DarklonX> nope
I work at a home family business
- <Zarendangar> no
actually beign a temp gives companies the right to screw its full
time imployees .. by hiring underpaid workers to do substandard work
- <DarkyeTemp>
Huh, really?
- <DarkyeTemp>
Well, if it's substandard work, wouldn't you say the company is
screwing itself?
- <DarkyeTemp> And
anyway, how can you blame the temps? They're just trying to make a
living. Maybe if the full time employees were a little more
valuable, they wouldn't be replaced so easily
- <Zarendangar>
wll amybe if there were no temps it would cause companies to hire
fulltime employees
- <DarkyeTemp> So,
temps should just, like, not exist? They're just using temping
to find full-time work. Many of them are hired full time.
- <Zarendangar>
and this causes temp companies to ahve contracts wth these companies
who will not hire fulltime workers to do the job
- <Zarendangar>
companies are not concerned with quality just quantity
- <DarkyeTemp>
kinda like you with your typing.
- <DarkyeTemp>
Well, it's hardly the temps fault, is all I'm saying.
- <Zarendangar> so
that the company can get uot of payig proper wages for the same work
temps do as fulltime employees do
- <DarkyeTemp>
You're blaming the prostitutes for causing the husband to cheat on
his wife
- <Zarendangar> if
the temptation was not there they would not cheat
- <DarkyeTemp>
So, like, if someone is raped, it's their fault for causing the
temptation? That's a sick attitude.
- <Zarendangar> I
think being raped and working in a tempory job are different things
- <DarkyeTemp>
You've never temped, I see.
- <Zarendangar>
yes I did
- <DarkyeTemp>
Yeah. That was a joke.
- <Zarendangar>
and the only person making money is the company and the temp agency
- <Damine_Watters>
i will not have a temp job
- <Damine_Watters>
i hear bad things about them so my dad advised me to get something
- <DarkyeTemp>
Nah, if you get something permanent, you'll only get screwed by the
damn temps!
- <Zarendangar> I
was working 60 hours a week at minimum wage while the temp compnay
got $10 an hour for me being ther and the company was only
interested in getting work done ..
- <DarkyeTemp> The
company was interested in getting work done. Shocking.
- <Damine_Watters>
and i did
- <Zarendangar>
and as for benifits ... were none
- <Zarendangar>
temping only makes slaves of ppl
- <DarkyeTemp>
Well, temps are bad, so they deserve it, right?
- * Damine_Watters nods
- <Zarendangar>
until temping stops and companies refuse to hire qualified ppl ....
then good ppl have to demean there selfs to support there families
- <DarkyeTemp>
- <DarkyeTemp>
- <Zarendangar>
were I am from the temps contact out to companies about 20 employees
a shit with the promise you might get hired full time
- <Zarendangar>
but there is always a reason they don't
- <DarkyeTemp>
I've been offered a lot of full time jobs
- <Zarendangar>
and when ppl retire
- <Zarendangar>
more tepms are hired to replace the retired personal
- <DarkyeTemp>
stop now. I'm sorry I said anything.
- <Zarendangar> is
why I started my own company ;)
- <Zarendangar>
well night all
- <DarkyeTemp> You
ought to hire a temp to help with your keyboarding, Typo
- <DarkyeTemp>
Well, you've changed my point of view. I will get the last
laugh though. I will do poor work and steal Post-It Notes.
- <DarkyeTemp>
From now on, I'm fighting the system from the inside.