THAT'S RIGHT!! NOT MY DESK IS TURNING ONE YEAR OLD! HOLY SHIT! Er. "Holy shit" might not really be the appropriate exclamation for a first birthday... but, too late to change it now! Anyway, this coming Saturday, March 3rd, marks one year to the day that Not My Desk timidly elbowed its way onto the internet. So, we're kicking things off a little early, with a birthday extravaganza that will leave you breathless with disappointment! No, just kidding! We've got a ton of cool stuff planned for this week, and it all centers around an exclusive interview with none other than MARY JO PEHL, writer and co-star of the immensely popular sci-fi/comedy TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000, as well as a former temp! She was kind enough to grant me an interview, in which we talked both about her memories of MST3K and her experiences as a temp. That interview will be posted this Wednesday. So, welcome to One Year... No Career! Here's the line-up for this week. (The deal is, the links below will become active as each new day arrives. If you're wondering what all the little pictures are, you can click them and they'll take you to the appropriate place on the site that explains them.) Monday: A Look Back: The Not My Desk Timeline The history and mystery of Not My Desk. Well, okay, there's not much mystery. And frankly, there's not much history. It's only been a year, fer cryin' out loud. But check it out anyway! Tuesday: Keywords of the Year They type in words, they wind up here. A look back at the year's most misdirected websurfers. Wednesday: Celebrity Interview: Mary Jo Pehl Whoo-hoo! An in-depth, exclusive interview with the former writer and star of Mystery Science Theater 3000! Does she recommend temping? How did she become Temp of the Month in 1990? Did she like Joel or Mike better as host? All these questions are answered, and more! Thursday: A Salute to Temps Hats off to you poor, misguided dopes! And I mean that! Friday: The Future of Not My Desk What will become of this site? Will it continue? Will it flourish? Will it ever look less ugly? TODAY: 1st Burfday Balloons, presents, and some words of thanks to those who have helped keep the site going. Sunday: Not a Damn Thing In fact, I may take the following week off.* *amendment: I will be back Monday after all.* *probably. e-mail: temp@notmydesk.com |
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