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E-Mail to:  All Employees
From: I.S. Department

Subject: Keyboards

I.S. does not encourage anyone to put company keyboards in the dishwasher.  Please do not continue this practice.


Here's a two-parter:


E-Mail to:  All Employees

Subject: Tempting Goodies
I put three apple turnovers on the tray this morning in the break room and one mysteriously disappeared. There was no money in the jar nor an IOU. Even though you may say you'll be right back with the money, it would be common courtesy to put an IOU in the jar with your name and the goodie you took until you return with the money. Thank you for your cooperation.
If you have any questions please contact me.



E-Mail to:  All Employees
Subject:  Tempting Goodies

The money for the apple turnover has been accounted for. I did not intend to pick on anyone and I suppose I was being a little too quick and cautious.


Memo to:  Administration Supervisor
From: Dr. Thomas Humpfle
Subject:  Thank You For Your Concern and Consideration

I am now back in my revitalized 4th floor office with a new rug, new lights, and a new sprinkler system.  The temporary move was a bit disconcerting than I expected.  Though, usually, I like consternation.  I was surprised how entrenched I had become in my office and having to move everything and live out of boxes for 3-4 weeks, cause more disturbance than I had expected.  But I must acknowledge that I appreciated your skills in managing the whole process and keeping me and the other staff members informed.

Unpacked that thesaurus right quick, din'tcha?  Next time, Doc, forget the big words and work on sentence structure.  Kay?

If you come across any interesting memos, e-mail them to:  If at all possible, do not send it as an attachment, just include it in the text of the e-mail.  If you do need to send it as an attachment, e-mail me first and I'll let you know what formats I can use.  I will change the names of anyone mentioned in the memo, as well as the company name, or anything that could identify either you, a co-worker, or the place you work.  If you would like your name or e-mail posted, I would be happy to give you credit, so let me know!

Note:  These memos are verbatim, including any typos.  They only things I've changed are names and dates.

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