Key: A = applet, S = Shockwave, F=Flash, N=
Noise, Bold = My Favorites
Challenge - An online flash game that lets you throw a chicken
at strangers. (F, N)
Tha Shizzolator - Webtoy
that lets you see the net through Snoop Dogg's eyes.
Illusions - Your favorite optical illusions (and then some!)
in Flash form. (F, N)
- Fill in the blanks, throw fish at a nun. Just like old
times. (F, N)
404 Page - A 404 page
without a gag! Amazing. It does, however have a nifty
breakout game. (F)
Name that Beard -
And I'm not talking about Nicole Kidman. Match the beard to
the name. Fun song included at no extra charge. (F, N)
the Fan - A fun Flash game where
you make the shit hit the fan... lots of bonuses, too! (F, N)
Conversion Kings - Kick a goal! Kick another! Kick more!
Surprisingly addictive. (F, N)
Donkey Kong Jr. - Old-timey
arcade goodness. (A, N)
Evil clown generator
- Make a really evil clown or dial up one at random. Scary!
Make your own Bush Speech - Build a GWB speech using sound
clips. (N)
Puzzlecube - Impressive use of Flash in this cube
game. Lots of neat extras! (F, N)
- Just like the motorcycle scene in Tron. (S, N)
Crab Volleyball - Just like slime volleyball. (F, N)
Yard Invaders - A charming, Space Invaders-type game. (S,
Hold the Button
- Even dead people can play! All you have to do is hold the
Reflex Game - Test your reflexes. If you want.
Curling - Calling all Canadians! Calling them and asking
them how in the hell this can be a real sport! (A)
- It' a clever cross between breakout and bowling. Very
creative. (S, N)
The Mini-Mizer - See how you would look as a Lego!
Emu Lander
- Can you land the nigh-flightless emu on the landing pad?
(That was a rhetorical question; I don't really care if you
can or not.) (F, N)
Soap Bubble - Do you possess the skill to guide the fragile
bubble through the dangerous mine? (Again, I have no
interest in knowing whether or not you can.) (F, N)
Marbles - A collapse-like game, but slightly different.
How high a score can you get? (I really don't give a shit.)
- Lets you experience the gruesome conflict of a snowball fight.
(F, N)
Heptathlon - Lets you experience the gruesome conflict of a
heptathlon. (F, N)
Breeder - Lets you experience the gruesome conflict of bunnies
fucking while being bombarded by meteorites. Really!
(F, N)
Mini-Putt 2
- Sequel to the first Mini-putt game. (F, N)
Dancing Walrus - A weird activity from Homestarrunner. (F, N)
Poke the Bunny - Just keep pokin' him! (F, N)
- Like the classic game, only online. (F, N)
TextTwist - It um... twists text?
Create Your Own Terror Warning - It does what you think it does.
- It's a fart generator with a lot of different options. You can even e-mail
your fart to a friend! (N)
Way of the Stick - Kick some ass a stick man! Pretty neat! (F, N)
South Park Studio - Make yourself over, South Park style!
- Bauns
- A Collapse-esque game by the charming minds being orisinal.com. (F, N)
Mini-Golf - You can even play against a friend online! (F, N)
Ass-o-tron - You can put ass on any
page on the internet with this webtoy. Hey, don't ask me.
Shite Price
- How much, in company money, is your poop worth? Find out
Guimp - A very tiny website. The tiniest?
Hexxagon - Chinese Checkers meets Othello. A lot of fun.
(F, N)
Russian Roulette
- Cool & morbid! (F, N)
Roadies - Get those damn roadies out the door safely!
Frustrating but fun. (F, N)
4 Rooms of Kharon
- Long, weird, Myst-like game. (F, N)
- Addictive! Be careful! The downloadable version has bonus
screens and smoother gameplay. (S, N)
The Pump - Like those dancing games, only you use your keyboard. Do not
dance ON your keyboard. (F, N)
Tilt Mazes
- 'Member those wooden games where you'd roll the steel ball into
the hole? Like that. (A)
- 5-6-02
- Dfilm
- Make your own cartoons. (F, N)
- Insaniquarium
- Oy, with the addiction. Buy fish and feed them. (F, N)
- Tourette's
Generator - Web toy makes websites into obscene and insane exclamations! (S, N)
- 4-29-02
- All
Look Same? - Tough test that will make you feel
like a racist.
- Mini
Putt - Mini golf! Uncomplicated but lots
of fun. (F, N)
- Incriminati
- Hide the stash (and lots of other things) before the folks get home.
(F, N)
- 4-15-02
- Flash
Puzzles - Neat jigsaw puzzles. (F)
- What's
New Pussycat? - A memory game with kittens and
blaring music. (F, N)
- 4-8-02
- Brad
the Game - Weird, disturbing text adventure.
- Castlemouse
- Neat puzzle game! (S, N)
- Work
Nickname Generator - What's your name at work?
- 4-1-02
- Bunny
Love Cursor - Cute flash bunny thinks your cursor
is a carrot. (F)
- Cursor
Love Bunny - Outline the rabbit or else. (F, N)
- Spaced
Penguin - A really fun, highly replayable game.
Get the penguin to his spaceship. (S, N)
- Looplabs
- Make some techno trance music. Fun stuff. (F, N)
- Flashcan
- Create some bizarre e-cards.
- 3-18-02
- Text-based
Pong - Just what it sounds like.
- Pi-Search
- Are you a part of Pi? Um, yeah.
- 3-11-02
- Bush
Aerobics - Feel the burn, George! Make the prez
get in shape. (F,N)
- The
Simulator - Live a day that's probably too much
like your own. (A)
- Online
Etch-A-Sketch - Needs no explanation. (A)
- 3-4-02
- Industrious
Clock - Very cool and creative online clock. (F)
- Freaky
Dreams - Interpret your dreams with this webtoy.
- Quiztaker
- Spinn created three "What kind of _____ are you?" quizzes that
are taking the internet by storm.
1-14-02 - 2-3-02
- Big
Money - A popcap game involving cash, baby,
cash! (A, N)
- Engrish
- Fun Japanese products where they didn't get the English quite right.
- Guess
the Beer Label - Well, uh, guess the beer label.
- Pedestrian
Killer - Run over people! A lot! (F, N)
- Virtual
Model - Make a model of yourself and dress it up
with clothes from online stores. (F)
- 12-10-01
- Reflections
- Great, challenging game involving mirrors. Addictive. (F)
- 12-6-01
- Horrible
Affliction Test - Find out what kind of disease
you are with this quiz.
- Spank
the Monkey - With a paddle, no less. (F, N)
- 11-5-01
- Boink
Mail - Have embarrassing packages sent to
co-workers you hate.
- Worm
- Simple yet challenging game involving a flying worm. (A)
- Habbo
Hotel - Graphical chat rooms. Pretty neat!
(F, N)
- 10-29-01
- Post-It
Note Theater - Very creative movies made on
Post-It Notes.
- The
Truth is Up There - Mellow game involving
UFOs. (F, N)
- Chicken
Wings - Throw umbrellas to falling chicks.
Baby chickens, I mean, not girls. (F, N)
- 10-15-01
- Mahjongg
- Classic game done online.
- Fling
the Cow - Chuck them bovines like you always
wanted to. (F, N)
- 10-8-01
- Whoohoo
- Neat dialogue translator.
- Guess
The Name - Very clever webtoy that's tough to
- 10-1-01
- Tiny
Games - Very tiny downloadable games.
- 9-24-01
- Korean
Ass-Shooter - Weird game, man. (F, N)
- Gimp
Chimp - Profane, weird game, man. (F, N)
- 9-4-01
- 3-D
Pong - Cool ping pong game. (S,
- Invisibles
- Creative movie quiz. With the actors erased, can you tell which
movie it is?
- Slime
Volleyball - This is fun. Play a
slimeball. (A)
- 8-28-01
- Hare
& Hounds - Neat puzzle game!
- Acronym
Generator - Put in some letters and find out what
they stand for.
- Cheese
Messenger - Will write whatever you want in E-Z
Cheez. It was only a matter of time.
- 8-21-01
- Death
Clock - How much time do you have left?
Find out and watch your life tick away.
- Human
For Sale - What is your cash value? You'll
need to enter a valid e-mail address to find out.
- Atomica
- Mix and match molecules. (A, N)
- Jesus
Dress-Up - Good old fashioned blasphemous fun.
- 8-7-01
- Q-Puzzle
- A puzzle game I don't even understand.
- Theses
- A maze game I understand, but ain't that good at. It's a lot of fun,
though! (A, N)
- 8-3-01
- Find
Your Spot - Where should you be living?
- Acme
License Maker - Make your very own license plates.
- Available
Temping Man - A movie involving a temp super
hero. Cool! (F, N)
- 7-23-01
- Strip
Creator - Create comic strips!
- Snowman
Maker - Create snowmen!
- Soda
Creator - Create soda! Wait, no.
This is a really neat game where you can build and animate these geometric
thingy-do's... well, just try it. (A)
- 7-17-01
- Mouse-Clicking
Championship - Click! Click, you worthless
- In
Passing - Great site consisting of snippets of
overheard conversations. Get eavesdropping!
- 7-9-01
- Poke
Alex In The Eye - Several different levels of
eye-poking fun. (A, S, N)
- Coolsig
- Comes up with cool e-mail sigs, bound to amaze your friends until they are
sick of them.
- Map-A-Blast
- Find out how your town will stand up to a nuclear strike.
- Time-Wasting
Calculator - Find out how much a smoke-break costs
your company.
- 6-18-01
- Kick-Ups
- Fun! Bounce the ball as many times as you can before it hits the
ground. (F, N)
- Talk
to the King - Ask Elvis a question or two with
this webtoy.
- Dogs
Playing Poker - The painting come to life.
Play poker against a bunch of dogs, and don't be afraid to bluff. (S, N).
- 6-11-01
- Snake
- Snake eats apples and gets longer. A classic. (A, N)
- Hi-Q
- That peg-jumping game you used to play in Pizza Hut.
- 6-4-01
- Ask the Head of Bob
- Got a question? The smoking head of Bob can answer it.
- How Bored Are
You? - The more bored you are, the better you'll do.
- Mix-N-Match
Faces - Like it says. (F, N)
- 5-29-01
- Sticky Baby
- Is it annoying or hilarious? You decide. (F, N)
- Stare
at the Dot - Just do it!
- 5-15-01
- Dialectizer
- Read your favorite websites in redneck, jive, and Swedish Chef dialects.
- Breakout
- It's breakout, and you can turn off the sound if you're at work. (A, N)
- Fresh Diversion
- Cool stuff with a thing and shit! And stuff! Yeah! (F, N)
- 5-7-01
- Lileks Writing Archive
- Great humor writing.
- The Ferrett's Domain
- Humor writing that is great.
- David Sedaris Archive
- It's great. It's humor. It's writing.
- 4-23-01
- Air Hockey
- Just like the real thing! (S, N)
- Stress Relief Aquarium
- Torture a goldfish, it's good for stress relief. (F, N)
- Choose Your Own Damn Adventure
- Several text adventures all from that big bald brunching guy.
Home Run Rally
- Swing your bat just like Mike Piazza, only less gay. (S, N)
- It's Othello. I can't think of anything else to say about
it. (A)
Rubik's Cube
- Like the Cube? Sure, we all do! (A)
- 3-26-01
- Dancing Paul
- The Webby-award winning site. It's fun! (F, N)
- Stare Down Sally
- Old fashioned staring contest. Don't blink!
- Anagram Generator
- It generates anagrams. You probably could have guessed.
- 3-19-01
- Solitaire
- If it ain't on your computer at work, you can play it online here. (A)
- Minesweeper
- Same with da sweeper.
- FreeCell
- FreeCell, too.
- 3-12-01
- Furious George
- Take a monkey on a nation-wide crime spree. Great game. (F)
- Roshambo Rampage
- Rock, Paper, Scissors by e-mail! From brunching.
- Alchemy
- Mix & Match stuff. (A, N)
- 3-6-01
- Crossword
- A selection of crossword puzzles. (A)
- Bejeweled
- A little gem-matching game that may take over your life. (S, N)
- Magnetic Poetry
- No need to bring make the fridge suffer, create magnetic poems online.