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June 17, 2002

Smoooooch!  Oh, man this is great.  Best thing I've ever seen. 

posted by Stinky at 3:27 PM PST (15 comments total)



posted by Smallpants at 3:29 PM PST


I posted this yesterday.

posted by Dingle at 3:29 PM PST 


This is a repost.  Been done.

posted by JackinHeavy at 3:29 PM PST


oops sorry, you guys beat me to saying it was a repost :)

posted by JackinHeavy at 3:30 PM PST 


Hee hee.

posted by Dingle at 3:31 PM PST 


This was posted already.  wtf.

posted by ArghImChafed at 3:34 PM PST


This is a repost, plz search the site before posting so we don't have reposts like this.  Thx.

posted by Ipointouttherules at 3:34 PM PST 


Yeah, please.  I also posted this, the day before yesterday.

posted by Monkeyshiv at 3:35 PM PST 


Well, I posted this last week.  Twice!

posted by Scooterscroat at 3:38 PM PST 


Still, this raises a lot of questions.  Has golf gone too far?  Are there sociological ramifications to be explored?  Women have enough difficulties overcoming obstacles getting into sports in the first place.  A series of national participation studies have documented that women from minority ethnic backgrounds have significantly lower participation rates in sports and physical activity than Anglo-Australian women. However, the explanations and dimensions of this difference have not been examined in previous research. The experiences of women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are used in this thesis to explore sports discourses and organization and the embodiments of their interrelationship. The present research proposes that sports organizations and discourses within Australia have historically served to marginalize women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

As far as phallic symbols go, the penetrating psychological insights of Jung and Freud have demonstrated that the phallus is a powerful and polyvalent symbol of power, productivity, dynasty, violence, creativity, potency, filthiness, lust, strength, receptitude, threat, 'The Big Stick', endurance, the self, etc. Jung also pointed out that universal symbols like the phallus have a way of surfacing willy-nilly, whether in dreams, fantasies, repugnance, or in artifacts. The choicest example of the latter occurred in Victorian Britain. At a time when tables were heavily draped lest anyone see their groins, when the most savage interdictions (some still surviving) were imposed on anything connected with natural sexual curiosity, Victorian tables were adorned with the most outrageously phallic salt and pepper pots. Squalid Victorian towns and cities were crowned with phallic domes and minarets.

That trophy does look like a huge dildo, though.  Hee hee ;)

posted by BlahBloopHootGarble at 3:40 PM PST


I blame Stormin' George Dubya Bu$h.

posted by Olston at 3:41 PM PST


I think this is a repost, isn't it?

posted by Shyfudge at 3:41 PM PST


Olston, Why is it everytime we see a female golfer kissing a large glass penis that George W. Bush gets the blame?  You bleeding heart liberals.

posted by Chip at 3:43 PM PST


Olston, Why is it everytime we see a female golfer kissing a large glass penis that George W. Bush gets the blame?  You bleeding heart liberals.

posted by Chip at 3:43 PM PST


Olston, Why is it everytime we see a female golfer kissing a large glass penis that George W. Bush gets the blame?  You bleeding heart liberals.

posted by Chip at 3:43 PM PST


Ooops.  My screen froze so I just keeping hitting the button like a huge dumb ass.

posted by Chip at 3:47 PM PST


Did anyone notice that this is a repost?  This is a repost.

posted by Schplicky at 3:48 PM PST


This is a repost.

Yeah, it is.

posted by metoo at 3:49 PM PST


Yeah, it is.


posted by HolySausage at 3:51 PM PST


For other articles pertaining to the kissing of glass golf trophies, check out these links from BBC:

Kissing the Window:  An Insiders Guide to Smooching Glass Trinkets

Phallic, From the Right Angle

Lips and Dicks: An Exploration of Lips.  And Dicks.

The Stanley Cup Looks Like a Penis

Tiger Woods and Why He Only Kisses Behind Closed Doors

Dorf on Dildos

posted by snooty at 3:52 PM PST


Can we please go back to talking about how all the senseless killing in the middle east is bad?  I have a lot of things to say about the badness of the senseless killing.  Because I am of the belief that senseless killing is bad.  And I'm not afraid to project those views, no matter how splinter and radical they may be.

posted by Killingisbad at 3:59 PM PST

