Life isn't
perfect, especially when it comes to writing articles and essays for a
website. Sometimes the stuff I write, well... it doesn't go all that
well the first time around. Or the second. Or the third!
Here are
some excerpts of updates and essays that didn't go quite as I
One: Busted
was a long essay I wrote about not being able to catch a bus (or a cab) in
downtown Oakland in the middle of the night. Often, it's when things
go wrong that I get my best material.. but what happens when things go
right? Let's take a look at my first attempt at writing this piece.
trip? San Francisco to Alameda. The plan? Take
BART (a San Francisco rail service) under the bay into Oakland.
Then, catch an AC Transit bus, either number 51, or 51A, or 51M,
to Alameda. So, sort of two-pronged trip.
Prong One?
Not a problem. Prong Two? The complete opposite of not
a problem. It was a problem, in other -- oh, huh. Here
comes a bus now.
Hm, it's my bus,
and it's stopping. And I'm getting on. And now it's
driving away. Heh. Well, uh... heh heh.
Okay! This isn't much of a problem, now is it?
Wow, I'm almost
home. And, heh, nothing is happening, like, nothing
bad. Oh, man, this is kinda funny, shit. Some essay
this is gonna turn out to be. Well, maybe if the driver hits
someone or something... nope.
Here I am.
Uh, I'm home. Heh heh. In record time, too! Oh
well! Maybe I'll have worse luck next time I ride the bus
and write an essay about it!
Heh, man. |
Boy, that
was rough! I got it right the next time, though!
Two: The Hot Seat
I wrote an
essay called The Hot Seat a while
back. Part of it had to do with me getting my leg stuck under an
office chair, because I had accidentally kicked the lever that controlled
the height of the chair, and I wound up with my leg sort of pinned, which
led to all sorts of embarrassing problems. Anyway, let's just say it
wasn't as easy as it sounded! I had to write this essay a bunch of
times before I got it right!
My boss enters
the office along with a few other people, who begin speaking with
the woman I share the office with. I'm glad I actually have some
work to do so I can look busy, instead of having to fake it as
usual, although they're talking about numbers which is seriously
throwing me off. I kick my fidgeting up a notch to
While kicking
away at the bottom of my seat, my right heel connects with the
lever that controls the height of my office chair, but nothing
happens. I continue doing my work, and soon my boss and the other
people leave, and I go home a little later. And uh... okay,
I think I blew that one. Dammit! Okay, let's go
again? Can we... is the computer still on? Okay, lemme go
again. I'll pick it up from "While kicking..."
Second Attempt:
While kicking
away at the bottom of my seat, my right heel connects with the
lever that controls the height of my office chair. The chair lets
out a loud hydraulic wheeze and jolts downwards, trapping my leg
between the seat and the foot of the chair. Now, my um... my
leg is free. It's not pinned.
Okay, I didn't
get pinned there, so it's not funny. My shoe fell off, but
um, that's not supposed to happen until later, I guess. Sorry.
Sorry, I'll go again, same place.
Third Attempt:
I sit there doing
my work. I work on things, and I work, and I do a little
more work, and uh... what. What am I...?
Oh, right, the
kicking! Heh, I don't know where my mind is today, the
kicking! I totally forgot to even kick the bottom of the
chair in this essay! Man, I think I need coffee or
something. I'm gonna get this essay right, though! I'm
gonna do it!
Man, it's gonna
be a long day. |
Three: Special Relativity!
Not long
ago, I wrote an update called Special
Relativity Don't Upset Us. It started off with me trying to
remember a single thing I learned in school, which led to me attempting to
solve the E=mc2 equation by dividing it by Academy Award winning actor
Sidney Poitier. The first time I wrote it, well... just read.
Okay. E=mc²
is an equation. What do I know about equations? Here we have to go
into math, I guess. The equals sign is important... and... wait, it's
coming... I can do whatever I want to one side of the equation, provided
I do it to the other side of the equation as well! Yeah! I
can times it by five, I can bake it for an hour at 250 degrees, I can divide it
by Sidney Poitier. So long as I do it on both sides of the "=",
it's legal. I'm certain that's right, and I'm also certain they
wouldn't have taught me that if it didn't help me to solve equations.

So, now we have
energy divided by Sidney Poitier equals mass times the square of the speed of
light divided by Sidney Poitier. We're getting somewhere! Somewhere sciencey!
Somewhere... somewhere... wait. Wait a sec. Wait just
one goddamn second.
my God. This... is this right? If Sidney's
atomic weight is... it is. This means the n x m
matrix A' is the transpose of the m x n matrix A if and only if
The ith row of A = the ith column of A' for (i = 1,2,3,..n) So
ai,j = aj,i', which means r(A+B) = rA+rB+two rabbits (r+s) A =
rA+sA (rs)A = r(sA) (A + B)T = AT + BT (rA)T = r. AT, - feltman
and if I let D' denote A.B, then di,p' = sumk ai,k.bk,p (A.B)T =
BT .AT and S = {2z - 5.2t + 12.6 decaliters, 2z -4.8t + 11.4 , z,
t} large coke with z, t in R and =(a+b).(ak + C(k,1)ak-1 b +
C(k,2)ak-2 b2 + C(k,3, + a rubber band)ak-3 b3 + ... C(k,k)bk ) =
ak+1 + C(k,1)ak b + C(k,2)ak-1 oscar winner b2 + C(k,3)ak-2 b3 +
... C(k,k)a bk + ak b + C(k,1)ak-1 b2 + C(k,2)ak-2 b3 + ...+
C(k,k-1)a + fries, no salt, bk + C(k,k) bk+1 (shillings)(4,3,3,1)
= x.(0,1,3,1) + y.(1,0,-1,0) + z.(0,0,0,1) + t.(3,2,1,0)...
Boy. That
was a doozy!

I'm somewhat
of a prankster around here. And what better way to pull pranks than
in a chat room? Of course, the better you know the person being
pranked, the funnier it is, so I didn't unleash my mischief on random chat
room strangers. Instead, I used people I knew! Check out some
transcripts of my finest jokes!
One: Tony
This gag I
pulled on my friend Tony. I've known Tony for about three years, and
decided to have a little fun with him by sending him a private
message. Let's see what happens!
Hey tone.
<tonedeaf> Yo! whats up chris
<notmydesk> Well, bad news.
<tonedeaf> what? you're still short?
<notmydesk> I've got liver cancer.
<tonedeaf> what????? no.
<notmydesk> Yeah. I don't have long to live.
Maybe a year.
<tonedeaf> jesus christ. are you shtiting me?
<notmydesk> no. i'm sitting here crying.
<tonedeaf> oh man. oh man im so sorry. jessu i
don't know what to say
<notmydesk> HA HA HA! I'm totally joking with
<tonedeaf> what
<notmydesk> You've been had by a classic NMD GAG!
<tonedeaf> what the hell is wrong with you.
Man, I totally had him fooled, huh? I haven't heard from Tony in a
while, but when I do, I'm sure we'll both still be laughing!
Two: Rick
My victim in
this classic gag is my pal Rick, who I used to work with! His folks
live in the area, so I thought I'd use that little tidbit of information
for a deliciously nutty prank!
<rold> Well, look who decided to show up.
<notmydesk> Hey rick.
<rold> Hey. No update today? Slacker!
<notmydesk> Did you see the news tonight?
<rold> Why?
<notmydesk> Like, the local news?
<rold> Umm a little, why? What'd I miss
<notmydesk> Your folks still live on Central Ave?
<rold> Yeah, why?
<notmydesk> Well. There was a fire on the news,
and they said it was on Central, and it just kinda looked exactly like their
house. Huge, deadly fire, you know? Like, huge. And
deadly. Have you talked to them tonight? And if you did, did
they mention a huge, deadly fire that may have consumed them in unholy
flames? Or not? Anyway, I'm sure it's nothing! So, what's up with you lately?
You get that job?
***rold has disconnected
<notmydesk> Ohhhh man! That worked so
perfectly! Ha ha ha!
Am I a genius or what? He got right offline and called his folks,
but they happened to be out at a movie, which was a little stroke of luck
for me, because he then jumped in his car a drove over there as fast as he
could! He ran a few lights and hit some stuff on the sidewalk,
too! Perfect! Man, when he gets out of jail, we're gonna have
a good chuckle over that one.
Three: Cindy
Cindy took
part in perhaps my finest gag of all time! I've known Cindy since I
was a kid, and what's more, a long time ago I set her up on date with this
guy Ken, and they later married! They have two kids and live in
Hey Chris!
<notmydesk> Hey Cind!
<CindyLWho> What's with the new site design? It
<notmydesk> Well, I kinda like it.
<CindyLWho> Oh. Well, that's what's really
important. I guess.
<notmydesk> Hey, um, how's Ken these days? He
<CindyLWho> He's great!
<notmydesk> Oh, good. Good. That's
good. Good. yeah.
<CindyLWho> ... why?
<notmydesk> Well... ah, it's probably nothing.
<CindyLWho> What? Tell me.
<notmydesk> Ummm... you know, it's nothing
important. Never mind.
<CindyLWho> Whaaaaaat. Spill it.
<notmydesk> Well... this doesn't matter at all, after
all this time, but... well, the night I set you and Ken up on that date,
he told me it was his secret wish to meet a beautiful woman, marry her,
have kids, and then, one night, when they were least expecting it... he
<CindyLWho> HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA... you are nutty.
<notmydesk> Heh heh, yeah, I'm just kiddin!
<CindyLWho> Goofball! I'm outta here, it's
late. Goodnight!
<notmydesk> Nite!
So, what's the big joke on
this one? I WAS TELLING THE TRUTH!! And later that night Ken
pounced on her and cooked her and devoured her along with their two kids
and their dog and a few concerned neighbors.
I'm a prankster... so watch out! You could be my next victim!
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Not My Desk