This telephone conversation is not a word-for-word transcript. It is based
on notes taken from a phone call I received while I was working as a receptionist, but I feel it is fairly
note: Reading this conversation pains me. Literally. It causes
an uncomfortable sensation, kind of like a constriction, in my chest.)
- Ring.
- ME: "Good afternoon, City Sewer
- CALLER: "Yes, is this the City
Sewer Department?"
- "Yes,
it is."
- "Yes.
- "Yes?"
- "Okay,
here’s the thing. What I, what I, who am I talking in to?"
- "This
is Chris."
- "Chris,
listen here."
- "Okay."
- "Now. I
have two types of pipes running to my house. Right?"
- "Uh...
you.. have two pipes... running to your house?"
- "Two
pipes. Is that right?"
- "Well,
I don’t know sir."
- "I have
two pipes running to my... I pay the city..."
- "Yes?"
- "I have
a service... the Water Bureau, ah, they pipe the water in and out of my
- "Sir,
why don’t you just ask me the ques-"
- "Now,
now, the Water Bureau runs the water in and out of my house. That-"
- "Sir,
sir, if... if you have a question-"
- "I’m
just trying to... Look, the Water Bureau..."
- "Sir...
- "They
run the water into and out of my house."
- "Okay."
- "And
that is a service."
- "Did
you need to speak to the Water Bureau? I can connect you."
- (Silence)
- "Sir?
This is the City Sewer. I can connect you to the Water Bureau. Sir?"
- "The
Water Bureau provides me... with a service."
- "Sir,
I- ah... yeah, okay?"
- "Now. I
pay the Water Bureau for that service."
- "Uh-huh..."
- "Because
it is an actual service. They are doing a service for me."
- "...Okay."
- "Now.
They send me a bill-"
- "Okay."
- "And I
pay it. Got no problem paying for it. They provide me with a service. You
- (Silence)
- "Now. I
also get a bill from the City Sewer."
- (Silence)
- "I get
billed for the City Sewer for storm water discharge. Okay?"
- "Yes.
So you have a question-"
- "I get
billed for-"
- "-about
your sewer bill-"
- "-storm
water discharge and-"
- "-I can
transfer you to one of-"
- "Now
hold on-"
- "-our
customer service rep-"
- "Now
hold on! I’m trying to explain this to you."
- "Right,
well I-"
- "I am
trying to explain-"
- "I have
other lines-"
- "Now. I
get billed for rain drain discharge. Okay?"
- "Yeah.
- "Now,
here is the thing."
- "Uh-huh."
"Here it is."
- "OKAY."
- "I don’t,
I got, I don’t use the storm drains."
- "Well,
customer serv-"
- "You
- "What?"
- "The
rain water from my property doesn’t drain to the city sewers."
- "Okay,
and you’re getting billed for it."
- "What?"
- "You’re
getting billed for storm drain and you don’t have any. You don’t..."
- (Silence)
- "You
feel... sir?"
- "Yes."
- "You
feel that you are being unfairly billed for something you’re not using."
- "Heh-heh-heh.
- "Is
that right?"
- "Son...
what’s your name?"
- "Sir,
ah... ah..."
- "You
see, son, they’re billing me."
- "Yes."
- "But
there’s no service."
- "Right,
well, a customer service repres-"
- "I am
not finished."
- "Sir,
a, a customer... ah... yes? Yes?"
- "I am
not finished."
- "Yes?"
- "See,
they’re billing me and they’re not, there’s no service there."
- "Yes."
- "You
- "YES."
- "I
mean, heh-heh, why am I paying for that?"
- "I...
- "Why
should I... the water drains into, into my property. I got no, it doesn’t
drain into the sewer! Heh! Heh-heh! I mean, why am I paying for that?"
- "Well..."
- "Yes?"
- "Can I
give you to a customer service representative?"
- "Well,
no. I want to know why I should pay for this. It’s no service to me! I don’t,
heh-heh! I don’t use the service? You see?"
- "Yes, I
understand. But I need-"
- "It’s
not a service!"
- "Right.
I get you."
- "So,
what’s gonna be done? I’m not gonna keep on, keep paying for it!"
- "Right,
I-I can’t help you myself, you need to speak to-"
- "Well,
I don’t want-"
- "Sir, I
am just the receptionist. I can’t-"
- "My
account number is zero four-"
- "Sir. Sir."
- "three
one, uh?"
- "Sir.
I cannot access your account."
- "What?"
- "I’m
just, I just answer the phones here. I can’t make changes to your account.
The only people that can do that are our customer service representatives."
- "Oh...
cuz I’m not gonna keep paying for this."
- "Yes.
Sir? Let me transfer you to customer service. Todd is one of our
representatives, he’ll-"
- "Who?"
- "Todd.
He’ll be able to hel-"
- "Oh,
and that’s not all! I mean, I’ve lived here for twenty-three years, and-"
- "Sir.
Please, sir..."
- "I
mean, I just started getting charged for this, but-"
- "Sir.
God, please, sir, just let me... Todd..."
- "Well,
let me ask you this. Let me ask you this."
- "Uhh...
- "I’ve
lived here for twenty-three years."
- "Whhhh..."
- "In
that time, I have never been billed for storm water discharge. So, my worry
is... you there?"
- "Uh-huh."
- "My
worry is, they’ll send me a bill for the last twenty-three years!
- (Silence)
- "Okay,
so you see, I gotta, it, uh... it has to be changed. My bill. I’m not, I’m
- "Sssss...ir?"
- "I
mean, heh, heh-heh! I mean, twenty-three years! That’s just, I’m not-"
- "Sir,
listen to me. I can’t... uhhhh... please let me give you to customer
service. Todd. He’ll be able to help you. Okay? Hold on."
- "Now, I’m
not talking about, hello? I’m not-"
- "Hold
on sir, I’m transferring you to Todd, one of our-"
- "I don’t
- "Yeah,
hang on."
- "It’s
not a serv-"
- Click.
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