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Huge thanks to Web traffic has been booming as a result of a link to this site appearing at The Stile Project, and I am most grateful. Please note, however: the link to the left,, contains images and words of a graphic, adult, sometimes shocking nature. If you are offended easily, you may not want to visit The Stile Project. It could turn you into a serial killer or something. Really. 8-18-00 - Don't I Hate You From Somewhere? - Part Two Continuing the short list of people you will find at each and every temp job: The Mom
The Babe/The Stud
The Religious Guy
The Guy You Can't Respond To
The Grubby Mailroom Girl Who Makes You Uncomfortable
Scattered Species The Woman Way Too Into Astrology The Guy Who Raps his Knuckles on Your Desk Each and Every Time he Walks by "Tod" And lest anyone think I am being unfair, I have included one last person you may be unlucky enough to encounter... The Temp
Did I leave anyone out? Of course I did! Write in and advise me of any I've missed, and I'll post the best suggestions. e-mail: 8-17-00 - Don't I Hate You From Somewhere? - Part One
I agree and disagree with this. Yes, you'll work dozens of jobs. Yes, you'll meet hundreds of people. But you won't meet any different people. You'll just meet the same ten or twelve people hundreds of times. I've been there. I've met them. I've written them down. With few exceptions, here are the people you will find in any and every office in America (Part One). The Boss
The Boss's Secretary
The Receptionist
Obnoxious Comment Guy
Perky Gal
The Guy Who Hates You
The Incomprehensible Foreign Person
The Weird Girl
Scattered Species: The Guy in the Elevator Who Nose-Whistles Louder than the Philharmonic The Woman With The Incredibly Amazing Body and the Incredibly Hideous Face The Guy Who Walks Backwards Down the Hall While Carrying on a Shouting Conversation With His Pal and Bumps Into You While You're Carrying Something Heavy Tomorrow: More of the same! e-mail: 8-14-00 - Something Old, Something New Regular visitors: You may notice a new link to the left. For those of you out there who aren't familiar with the Stile Project... well, all I'll say is it's not exactly safe to visit while you're at work. He's got a link-exchange thing going on, so I'm jumping right in. For anyone who may have wandered over here from the Haus of Stile, welcome to Not My Desk, the only temping site on the internet that you happen to be looking at right now. Something new: A section called My Desk, where I am going to stick any content that's not temp-related. Right now, there's not much there, but give me a few weeks, and then a few more, and it should be filled to the brim. For instance, check out a Vision of the Future. Forget about Playstation 2, forget about Nintendo Dolphin, and definitely forget about Microsoft X-Box. I've seen the future of home electronic gaming... and it's a vision. Now, some old stuff. If it's your first time here, let's jump right in with a little temp-related recap from the past few months: Female temps: You can get much more out of your temp jobs than just ulcers and a puny paycheck. It's also a great source of dates. Take a look at some potential companions you might find on your next assignment. Ever question your purpose in life? Ever wonder if you're making a difference? Ever feel like you could be doing more? I do, whenever I hear my boss dictating into his tape recorder. (This link contains a large sound-file, so make sure your speakers are on.) The memo from Hell. Written by the assistant manager of a bookstore, no less, this memo may cause you to question your current belief system. And it's real. Also, why not check out the rest of the memo gallery while you're here? Or a few essays? Don't worry, Stile's poop videos will still be there when you get back. e-mail:
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