Grounds for Dismissal

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E-Mail to:  All Employees

Subject: Coffee Grounds
Fred Prewitt and I decided the coffee grounds should not go to waste and could be used in a home compost container.
Also realized was how much worms really love coffee grounds and to not overwork any one family of worms. So, what was decided was to set aside a container (it comes with a lid and handle) for the coffee grounds next to the coffee machine and at the end of the week an interested party could take them home to their compost container.
For those of you who have an interest in taking the coffee grounds home, please use the sign up sheet is in the coffee room. Fred will take the compost home the first week.
If you have any questions or require further information, please call Cathy ext.502.
P.S. As soon as the printers are working again, a sign up sheet will be posted.

I have a question, Cathy.  Several in fact.

First, I'm guessing this was no off-hand discussion you had with Fred.  You guys booked a conference room and prepared color overheads to come to this decision, am I right?

Second, you describe the container has having a lid and handle, but I'm having trouble picturing it.  Perhaps you could provide the dimensions of the container, so I can optimize my lifting/transporting scenario.  Oh, and is it see-through?  Brand-name or generic?  Snap-on lid?  Airtight?  Let me know, 'kay??  Thanks!

Third, can I tell you how happy I am that someone is finally thinking of the worms??  Not just that they get fresh coffee grounds, but that no one worm "family" has too little (or too much!!!).

Fourth, while I understand that Fred, no doubt the brain child behind this operation, has the right to take the coffee grounds the first week, can you explain to him that it's not really something to brag about?  He's been strutting around here like he thought up the "Clean up after yourself: Your mother doesn't work here" laminated break-room sign of '98.

Fifth.  If anyone actually signs up to take old, wet coffee grounds home, I will punch them.

Okay, so.  That wasn't really a question.

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